The weather has been crazy! I love springtime! The weather makes spring such an adventure! I have been hanging my clothes outside when weather permits me and the spring air makes the laundry smell so wonderful! A store bought laundry scent could never compare to real "fresh air"!!!
Today we are due for 9-12 inches of snow over our already greening grass, blooming pussy willows, budding lilacs and growing bulb flowers (tulips, crocuses, etc). I know a late snow is great for the grass and hay fields but this much?! Seriously?! Well I won't complain! It lowers our fire danger! Plus this weather gives me extra time to put the finishing touches on house cleaning before the outdoor work starts with the garden and fencing!
I just made myself a latte and it didn't turn out so I guess I will just have to start over and make a new one!
Then I will enjoy some more time with my kids before their naptimes and I can finish a few "indoor" projects while watching the late spring snow falling softly on the green grass. Grow baby grow!