Well now, I've been SO busy that blogging has taken a back seat (trunk?) for the time being.
I'm happy to announce that I will be getting back to business on blogging about this Country Renaissance!
For the past 12 months, we have been living in a 2014, luxurious camper while we are on the search for housing.
We found a nice property we plan on purchasing as soon as our camper sells! Whoohooo!!!!
I'll have plenty of Off-grid/ RV life posts coming up, as well as news on buying a home and making it into our own little homestead.
This summer I purchased a really nice ten tray dehydrator and I've been dehydrating as much as I can, since my canning stuff is all buried in storage! So far we've done peaches, bananas, muskmelons and honeydew! Next up are Rose hips, elderberries (although if I get some elderberries, I will turn them into homemade health elixir first, then drying), beef jerky, and tomatoes! I'd love to do some bell peppers too, if I can find some.
Its nice to diversify my food storage portfolio for winter use!
I love having home put up food during the depressing winters here. Its like sunshine right at your dining room table!
Well, that is all for now! Happy Harvesting!
<3 KT