Thursday, February 21, 2019


Today is a great day for looking in the seed catalogue!

I just picked up a huge "The Whole Seed Catalog From Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds" last night!
Reading through the descriptions let my imagination fly on which varieties to try, which ones I enjoyed, which ones I didn't care for and how to plan and incorporate a new garden this year!

Looking outside, though, makes gardening seem like a long way off.  Thankfully I know that I will be gardening and enjoying the muddy spring season soon enough! Time to get back to my seed catalogue so I can get my order in the next week or so!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

It's Official!!!

This morning it came!!! Our ADGA letter confirming one of our herd name choices!!!! 
(Our herd guardian and mountain sunset)
I am so excited that it's all official, and now I can focus on gathering my cheese making supplies for this coming summer when the does freshen! We are also going to do milk testing on the does so they can work towards their milk stars. 
(Picking up our first doe in 2017)

Looking forward to what this year has in store for our goats and our milk projects! 
We have been looking at some hatchery catalogs, missing our chickens, ducks and geese. Hopefully we can move to a place this spring that we can expand our animals again!