So far so good with three kids under the age of. . . almost 2 1/2!!!!
Ivana is doing well, gaining weight and nursing has been going fabulous!!! I'm so thankful for all the reading and encouragement from friends this time around with breastfeeding and nursing :) Nursing in public has been super easy thus far and I don't look around at other people even if they look at me. I just ignore them. Seriously, if they have a problem with it that is just fine with me - just don't say anything about it to me. . . Haha, they would be risking getting a lecture :D haha
The other kids just love having a baby sister and I'm so proud that our little family has bonded so well! I'm so thankful, praise the Lord!!!
This week I have been itching to get my Christmas decor out but I must hold off another week and a half about since I don't want to jump the gun and decorate earlier than our tradition of decorating on Thanksgiving weekend. I don't want to take the joy out of decorating that weekend! We are also getting our tree that weekend too.
I'm still keeping an eye out for a menorah for Hanukkah, I like lighting the candles but otherwise we don't celebrate it in the traditional sense. Maybe I will find one at Goodwill when I go shopping later this week. You never know what you might find in those thrifty stores!
I'm slowly working on getting our Christmas letter list put together as well as picking out the right card and writing our yearly family update. We are waiting to get our family picture taken until we get our Christmas tree up since we couldn't get a family picture earlier as we wanted to include the newest member of our family in the Christmas picture!!! Being in my tummy didn't count :)
I've also been planning our Christmas gifts for family this year. It's just a matter of putting the gifts together now. That is the nice thing about having a baby and the other kids having nap time in the afternoon- I get time to think! Just have to make sure I have a notebook and pen when I get my ideas!
Well, time to sign off and feed baby! Hope to continue to post little updates every once in a while as time (and baby and kids) allow me!
I'm trying not to jump the gun here by decorating too early either. The Nativity set goes out on Thanksgiving though. Hope your feet are up and you're drinking a glass of water while nursing!!