Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today I was watching the local tv morning cooking show and they showcased this neat little coffee shop and they had this latte they make called "November Nirvana". It had vanilla, brown sugar and cinnamon in it. I thought it sounded so yummy I decided to try out that  flavor combination myself here at home!

I made my espresso, heated and foamed my milk. I used 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract, a nice heaping teaspoon (probably closer to a 1/2 tablespoon!) of non-packed brown sugar and a sprinkle of cinnamon. When everything was ready I mixed it all together and sprinkled with a bit of cinnamon on top.

It was heavenly! If I ever get time and money to go to that coffee shop that show cased this flavor combo for a latte I sure will visit!!!

Today I am thankful for the family God is blessing my husband and I with. Since it's November and Thanksgiving is coming up I tend to think more of the blessings I have - although I should be doing that year round- and today that is my "thankful for". 

Still waiting to meet baby #3. I think today will be the day despite contractions being 20 minutes apart. I am hoping and praying to meet baby soon and today would be a great day to have a baby! 

I saw on the radar today that there was actually some purple! Meaning snow and rain/snow mix!!! Then I looked at our specific forecast and there is snow forecast for either tonight or tomorrow night. I can't remember. How exciting! Fall is quickly coming to an end and winter is knockin' on our doors. While I can't say I am totally ready for the bone chilling temps I revel in the changing seasons. I have a few more weeks to start figuring out how to decorate for Christmas! One thing is for sure, I must get some more cinnamon scented pine cones. 

Well I have to continue doing little chores to stay busy before baby comes, maybe the activity will help these contractions turn into active labor! 

~Happy November~

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