Thursday, June 28, 2012

Looking Ahead Down the Road

I've been re-organizing and cleaning. . . Yes, already! I just went through all our things a few months ago and was happy with the results. Well, after doing a lot of thinking about it I decided to go ahead and re-organize. Now, I am seeing results and instead of stressing out about the house I am finally getting content knowing I don't have 5 of some things and none of essential items still on "the list". So, I have been cutting the slack and actually getting myself (gradually) things that have been on "the list" since getting married!

Now that I have been getting the house in order (almost- I'd say another week and I'll be done!) then I can start working on my business/business plan! Get it in writing what I want to do, how to do it, timeline, etc., so I can plan ahead and get that going. I already have my company name and a design idea in mine and also what I'd like to carry but I want to specialize so I'm going to start experimenting. As soon as I'm done re-organizing that is! 

In other news I totally scored at Goodwill yesterday! I got little man a pair of boots for this winter that he absolutely loves! I also got myself some batik that I will be using as a wrap skirt or baby sling or both! Some bamboo purse handles and a 100% linen skirt in my size that if I happen to not like I can totally repurpose into something else that needs 100% linen! Yay! 

Going dairy free has still been interesting. I woke up a few days ago with an awful knot in my back, this time it isn't going away quickly like before so I went to the chiropractor yesterday  to get a consult as this is a new chiropractor for me. Today I go back in and get adjusted so hopefully I will be on the road to getting my back, back into shape! I wonder if that is why I have been getting migraines lately. . . Maybe it's not dairy after all? What I do know is I haven't had a migraine since going off dairy despite my attempts to tell myself that it must be something else because dairy is soooooo good. I miss REAL ice cream. Soy and Rice have nothing on real Wisconsin ice cream. It will be one whole week tomorrow. I am craving.



Oh, how I miss them!

It will be interesting to see, once I can try dairy again, if that truly is the cause or if it was my back out of alignment. 

Time will tell.

In other news, baby is so close to crawling, its crazy! I have to wait 2 weeks before trying any more solid foods for her and I need to try carrots. I tried green beans, peas, squash, sweet potatoes and avocado and she gets tummy aches or gag or both and explosive diapers from all them. Her doctor says she must not be ready despite the fact she has the other signs she is ready (sitting up, teeth, pinchy fingers) Oh well, nursing is going well so that is good! I'm patient though, she is only have 7 month old baby so I don't have to rush into food because she is getting the perfect food from me anyway!

My other two kids are just little sweethearts, they mother baby and it is absolutely


They love doing "this little piggy" with their toes! They make me do both of their feet! It's so cute. I just can't believe how fast their vocabulary has come in. Evelyn is talking in sentences like an adult, I don't think I've ever heard an almost 3 year old talk and respond the way she does! And little man is talking more and more and adding things to make sentences himself! Kids grow way too fast. Time sure flies!

Well, time for me to get a little more cleaning done!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dairy Daze

Well, today marks the fifth day on a dairy free trial diet. It's been rough, I always knew I loved dairy  and living in the dairy state I have easy access to high quality and fresh dairy products daily! I do miss dairy but, oddly enough, I haven't had a migraine the past few days. I've had those headaches that precede a migraine but it never got to the point of being a migraine. One the one hand I hope I have found the migraine trigger, but on the other hand I sincerely hope it's not dairy. I love dairy. I miss dairy. At least dairy isn't required for my health as I can get vitamin d from the sun and calcium/magnesium and other minerals for other food I grow so  it will all be good!

Yesterday I noticed I had a pinched nerve and it slowly got worse throughout the day. Now, today it hurts so bad I can hardly move - let alone pick my baby up! I really need to call and get in to the chiropractor for an adjustment. I'm sick of my back hurting.

My garden is growing absolutely fabulous this year! I am very excited to see how it continues to grow! We've also had tons of rain this year compared to last year so I only had to water my garden once or twice!

My beans appear to be doing better, but I did notice they look worse right after a rain but once the sun comes out and dries everything up they perk right up and keep on growing.

The herbs I transplanted also seem to be adapting well to their new home!

My potatoes are growing incredibly well! I can't WAIT to see how they actually produce in barrels this year. I've never seen plants grow so well!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Time Bean Problems, AH!

Here you can see what I am up against. I don't know if it's a virus or a bug. I discovered this last night. The leaves are slowly being thinned out in the tips then curling up. Last night there were no brown spots like there is today. It's almost like something ate the green part leaving behind the outer crust which turns brown. There are some holes in the leaves too. 

I have discovered that there are some holes in my tomato plant's leaves which I matched up to flea beetle damage online. I have read online that I can use DE to help. Is there anything else? 

Off to keep searching for "cures" for my garden "ills"!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Quick Chicken and Dirty Rice Dinner

With so many beautiful summery things to do and see I just haven't had much time to blog! Oh well! Here is a quick and easy recipe to go from the freezer/pantry to the oven in a matter of seconds! You could make it a one dish meal by adding some veggies (like beans or cauliflower or broccoli or even brussel sprouts)!

Quick Chicken and Dirty Rice Dinner

Chicken breasts (I use 4 for my family)
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1 pkg of Dirty Rice or any other flavored rice you like
2 soup cans full of water

~ Grease 9x13 baking dish. Preheat oven to 375F. Place chicken breasts in baking dish. Sprinkle the rice in the pan over the chicken. Mix the rice seasoning packet, cream of chicken soup and water together in a bowl. Pour over the chicken. Add veggies if desired and cover the pan and bake for about an hour until the chicken is done. 

A few other updates: The garden is coming up great... Except for my heirloom yellow crookneck squash. If I don't see them sprout by this weekend I will have to find some more seeds and replant! My baby is trying her hardest to get crawling! She gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth until her legs slip out and she's on her belly again. Oh, babies just grow up too fast! My oldest two are potty training well. It's interesting to see how #2 wants to learn just because #1 is! So cute! By the time the summer is over I might only have one kid in diapers! Yay! 

Well, off to finish doing some housework while we wait for dinner to get done cookin'!
