Thursday, March 8, 2012

You Turkey, it's spring out now!

We went from warm weather to normal march weather to weather in the 60's out! Yesterday I had about 30 turkeys in my yard meandering around pecking up lost seeds from the birds dropping them from our feeder! It was incredible! Then I saw something I have never seen before! Five of the turkeys flew up in the two crabapple trees by the horse pasture and were eating the remaining crabapples! It was so neat I took a few pictures but I have been unable to upload them to my computer. As soon as I can I will be sharing them. Until then here is a little  view of spring to share!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THE FLOWER!!!! You have flowers already??? or is that from another year? do you remember the moss roses I got my mom for her birthday? well we planted them in the garden by the garage and we think they're coming up!
