We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on October 4th this year! Due to the government chaos we were not able to visit Glacier National Park like we had hoped to for our 5th because it was shut down. For those that do not know, Eric asked me to marry him there! So, Glacier is a special place for both of us! Hope to take the kids there this coming summer too!
This past year has been such an incredible year for me, as a wife and mother. God has been working in my life in so many ways and revealing Himself more each day! I hope to share some things in just a chapter and hopefully staying away from a lengthy novel!
First the problem of where to begin. I think I will begin with the things God has revealed to me in the month of June. We were at Camp Bighorn in the month of June and we stayed in our camper while Eric was doing staff training and helping out in Op's where his position will be once we raise 100% of our needed support. I got sick a few days after we arrived at camp and was sick without a voice for more than two weeks. During this time I was going through the Priscilla Shirer study "Jonah". I was learning so much, God used a few key passages to give me encouragement about this change we will soon go through. Despite this learning and revealing about how God is in control I still struggled with giving up my "ideals" and what I thought other people thought we should be doing. It sounds ridiculous but God was showing me what I needed to do as a wife but I was still listening to those around me. The question is what do I, Krystle, really want?
I really want to have an amazing marriage, a close relationship with God, raise our blessings from God properly with love and respect and to reach out to others that are hurting! Stuff doesn't matter, having a nice car doesn't matter, having a showroom home doesn't matter, having a certain lifestyle doesn't matter. Problem is I was putting other's ideals (fear of man) before what I truly desired and what God wanted for me as a wife and mother!
Another study I started was the Lies Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. This is another eye-opener and I highly recommend my sisters read this book and get the study guide with it! I had NO idea how many lies I was believing. I recognized the fear of man lie that I was cutting out of my life after the Jonah study. Plus there were some more. God has shown me that He is good, He is just, He is loving, He is my Father but He is also my only Judge. What other people think and what I think other people think is mindless drivel compared to what I should be concerned with! God has given us so much instruction in His written Word and it is vital that we be in the Word daily!
Now that God has shown me things in my life I need to change, things that I need to stop, things that I need to start doing, life has been enjoyable, adventurous, amazing and I realize how blessed I am as a wife and mother! What a ministry I have to our children, a ministry to other moms and children around us! What a window of opportunity to show the light of Christ to others around me! Life is full of opportunities to be a light to others.
Now as a wife God has shown me so many things regarding this too! I realized that submission isn't giving up who I am in Christ, giving up my personality or giving up my hobbies. It's just deferring responsibility to it's proper place, which is to the husband! How freeing to know that I can still be who I am in Christ, enjoy the talents that God gave me and not have the responsibility of the man too! Being a wife and mother is more than enough. Submission isn't being stupid, it's being smart. Now that I no longer worry about income, etc., I can concentrate my time walking with God, learning how to be a wife after God's direction and raising our kids up properly! Freedom!!!
I have a couple of books I can recommend regarding this, but mostly God has directed me to this right from His Word and the Lies Women Believe book.
So after all of this, and some more that I haven't expounded on, I continue reading encouraging article, blog and devotionals on how important it is to be a wife first then a mother! Obviously God is continuing to remind me and get this proper thinking concrete in my mind!
I know I talked to some about my doubts and concerns about working at Camp Bighorn and how I would rather stay in Wisconsin.
Truth is, after God has shown me these things, after I have changed my thinking and stopped believing the lies I had been living this has all changed.
Our most recent trip to Camp Bighorn has eliminated my previous concerns. My questions that became worries have been eliminated. I am confident that Camp Bighorn is truly where God is guiding our family and I am thankful that Eric didn't listen to me and felt so strongly that God was guiding us to Bighorn even though I didn't/ didn't want to see it!
I support Eric 110% on us going to Camp Bighorn and serving Him through Camp and whatever church we end up getting involved in. God is guiding us there to make an impact for Him there. I love the Great Lakes but I love being in God's will so much more! When we are in God's will everything will be in the place and God will work out everything for good (Romans 8:28).
I'm excited to serve God in Montana, excited to raise our kids in a healthy camp environment in a place that God has specifically led us to!
I encourage my fellow sisters whether single, married, married with kids or not to stop believing the lies our society encourages. Be in the Word daily (Romans 12:2), look to God rather than men (Acts 5:29), and remember Romans 8:28 that God will work all things out for good to those that love Him!
Some books I highly recommend are:
Every Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge
Every Woman's Marriage by Shannon Ethridge
Jonah by Priscilla Shirer
Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Liberated through Submission by P.B. Bunny Wilson
I am sure there are plenty of other books out there, but if there is a study book available with the book then get it, the study book is SO helpful as a companion to whatever book you happen to read!
Well, time to get going for now. I hope to expound later and go into better detail, this really covered the tip of the iceberg but I hope you can do some reading and be encouraged as I was!
<3 KT <3
Friday, October 18, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Moose Apples
Woke up, went down to breakfast and saw a cow moose and her bull calf eating in the apple orchard!
Plus the Mountains are getting snow now!!!!
Enjoying the changing seasons and hope you are too!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Autumn Walk in the Mountains
Fog rolling off the mountains this morning!
The clouds breaking up and the sun coming out!
At the top of the Pass
Mountain Autumn!
Bird's Delight!
Looking the other way over the Pass
A doe Mule deer!
A Chippy!
Today was a great autumn day here in the mountains! I'm hoping to get a photo of an Elk, Eagle and a better photo of a Mountain Goat. I was able to get some photos of Bighorn Sheep which I will post later. I just love fall, it is my favorite season! Happy Autumn!
Psalm 96:11-13
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Discouragement to Encouragement
We have been house searching the past week and I have been getting a little discouraged lately. Searching for a home here is not easy but I know God will lead us to the right one in His timing!
Also it seems every time we come to Montana I get sick with something in my throat! It is so bizarre! This time I got cellulitis and a skin infection around my eye on the way out here and now 2 days ago I started having my lymph nodes swelling up in my throat and go figure my neck is stiff and sore.
I'm not sure what is going on with that but it is sure frustrating when you put all that stuff together! This morning I was reflecting on the past month after breakfast when God brought to my mind a verse I learned through many years of summer camping.
Colossians 2:6
"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord; so walk ye in Him."
That was such an encouragement to me! We have been led into the ministry and while temporary sickness and the temporary discouragement of house hunting have distracted me all I have to do is continue following Christ! These things that have turned into discouragement have now been put down to their proper size. A little stone in the road of life that obviously will come up now and then as you go down a path. You just step over them and continue going!
"So walk ye in Him".
Yes, that is what I choose to do today. Bye bye discouragement!
Also it seems every time we come to Montana I get sick with something in my throat! It is so bizarre! This time I got cellulitis and a skin infection around my eye on the way out here and now 2 days ago I started having my lymph nodes swelling up in my throat and go figure my neck is stiff and sore.
I'm not sure what is going on with that but it is sure frustrating when you put all that stuff together! This morning I was reflecting on the past month after breakfast when God brought to my mind a verse I learned through many years of summer camping.
Colossians 2:6
"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord; so walk ye in Him."
That was such an encouragement to me! We have been led into the ministry and while temporary sickness and the temporary discouragement of house hunting have distracted me all I have to do is continue following Christ! These things that have turned into discouragement have now been put down to their proper size. A little stone in the road of life that obviously will come up now and then as you go down a path. You just step over them and continue going!
"So walk ye in Him".
Yes, that is what I choose to do today. Bye bye discouragement!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
A Time and A Season
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace." - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NIV
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
A Loss of Excess
Yes! You read the title right!
A Loss of Excess
Not an excessive loss but a loss of excess.
Well, it could be the same thing but that truly depends on your perspective!
Now let me explain.
It started with moving, reading some books, and some personal reflections, questions and then finally some answers. So here is the story:
During this whole moving process we have been going through our things. Packing, re-packing, living out of boxes, re-packing, etc. A very tiring cycle. So I asked myself "Do I really need these things? Some of these things I haven't missed/used/worn/seen in the time we have been living out of boxes so why should I even keep it?" Then I go and attach an emotion/memory to it or I think of how useful it is once I get my own home again.
Yeah. Right.
The only usefulness about this junk is that it will help me keep my weight down but on the flip side clutter adds stress. Plus clutter breeds clutter.
I see simply decorated homes where, like in the "olden days", the decor was actually made from useful things that the people actually used, washed, then hung back on the wall to save space!
Those homes are so homey and comfortable; it reminds me of a hot cup of coffee by the morning campfire after you wake up on a camping trip. I want a home like that.
So I started thinking about other things cluttering up my life. Things that are running my life, maybe addictions or other things and I started thinking. I started thinking about our budget, my endless boxes of clothes that only contain a few nice, namebrand ones worth keeping, the food we eat, where we go to eat, where we shop, my boxes of cheap seasonal decor. (side note here- I saw some nice decorations from the Dollar Tree! Yikes!)
Then I happened upon some books and one of them is called "7" by Jen Hatmaker. That book drove the nail in the coffin of my excess.
I love simplicity, I crave simplicity so the time is now to truly simplify. Everything.
Now that we are up to the present, here is what I am doing:
I am going through absolutely everything. Habits, lifestyle, desires, belongings. Basically anything really tanglible and temporary. You don't see hearses hauling U-haul's to the cemetery.
First thing eliminated on a trial basis is Sugar. I crave sweets like there is no tomorrow. No more snacking on sweet things unless its something naturally sweet like real fruit. I am going 2 months without Sugar. Why 2 months? Our baby's golden birthday is November 2 and just in case I can't find a mildly sweetened cake alternative for her fun cake I am planning on making. . .
Next thing is going through the boxes of stuff. Sure, I'm keeping the essentials like plant pots so I can have my herbs and bring them with us as we move and things like that. Anything that I haven't used in a year and can get replaced easily is getting donated. Unworthy of donating stuff is getting tossed or recycled.
Next thing is priorities. When we are consumed with things for our self, how can we be focused on others?
Up Next is a Time to Rest. I don't think it's something to overlook when this subject keeps getting brought up to me at an almost daily basis. I would say that is God telling me something right there. We human's need to rest on a weekly basis. Take a day off, spend time at home doing stuff with your friends/family. Turn off that awful Time Waster the TV and listen to what your family has to say- their intelligence might be surprising! Sad to note how family can quickly be reduced to room-mate status instead of family.
Also for dreams and desires. Things can sure fog up a person's "vision". Once you start removing the protective "layer" of things and clutter you start seeing other people and their needs instead of being self-absorbed into protecting "your own".
There is so much more I could go on for hours upon hours and then some!
So as we go towards this Loss of Excess instead of feeling an excessive loss, I am feeling something wonderful! Simplicity and the fruits of simplicity! May this be an un-ending process or life will get cluttered up and stagnant again!
Don't be afraid to peel the layers of clutter from around you, there is so much to see and so much more time to be had outside of and free from clutter!
A Loss of Excess
Not an excessive loss but a loss of excess.
Well, it could be the same thing but that truly depends on your perspective!
Now let me explain.
It started with moving, reading some books, and some personal reflections, questions and then finally some answers. So here is the story:
During this whole moving process we have been going through our things. Packing, re-packing, living out of boxes, re-packing, etc. A very tiring cycle. So I asked myself "Do I really need these things? Some of these things I haven't missed/used/worn/seen in the time we have been living out of boxes so why should I even keep it?" Then I go and attach an emotion/memory to it or I think of how useful it is once I get my own home again.
Yeah. Right.
The only usefulness about this junk is that it will help me keep my weight down but on the flip side clutter adds stress. Plus clutter breeds clutter.
I see simply decorated homes where, like in the "olden days", the decor was actually made from useful things that the people actually used, washed, then hung back on the wall to save space!
Those homes are so homey and comfortable; it reminds me of a hot cup of coffee by the morning campfire after you wake up on a camping trip. I want a home like that.
So I started thinking about other things cluttering up my life. Things that are running my life, maybe addictions or other things and I started thinking. I started thinking about our budget, my endless boxes of clothes that only contain a few nice, namebrand ones worth keeping, the food we eat, where we go to eat, where we shop, my boxes of cheap seasonal decor. (side note here- I saw some nice decorations from the Dollar Tree! Yikes!)
Then I happened upon some books and one of them is called "7" by Jen Hatmaker. That book drove the nail in the coffin of my excess.
I love simplicity, I crave simplicity so the time is now to truly simplify. Everything.
Now that we are up to the present, here is what I am doing:
I am going through absolutely everything. Habits, lifestyle, desires, belongings. Basically anything really tanglible and temporary. You don't see hearses hauling U-haul's to the cemetery.
First thing eliminated on a trial basis is Sugar. I crave sweets like there is no tomorrow. No more snacking on sweet things unless its something naturally sweet like real fruit. I am going 2 months without Sugar. Why 2 months? Our baby's golden birthday is November 2 and just in case I can't find a mildly sweetened cake alternative for her fun cake I am planning on making. . .
Next thing is going through the boxes of stuff. Sure, I'm keeping the essentials like plant pots so I can have my herbs and bring them with us as we move and things like that. Anything that I haven't used in a year and can get replaced easily is getting donated. Unworthy of donating stuff is getting tossed or recycled.
Next thing is priorities. When we are consumed with things for our self, how can we be focused on others?
Up Next is a Time to Rest. I don't think it's something to overlook when this subject keeps getting brought up to me at an almost daily basis. I would say that is God telling me something right there. We human's need to rest on a weekly basis. Take a day off, spend time at home doing stuff with your friends/family. Turn off that awful Time Waster the TV and listen to what your family has to say- their intelligence might be surprising! Sad to note how family can quickly be reduced to room-mate status instead of family.
Also for dreams and desires. Things can sure fog up a person's "vision". Once you start removing the protective "layer" of things and clutter you start seeing other people and their needs instead of being self-absorbed into protecting "your own".
There is so much more I could go on for hours upon hours and then some!
So as we go towards this Loss of Excess instead of feeling an excessive loss, I am feeling something wonderful! Simplicity and the fruits of simplicity! May this be an un-ending process or life will get cluttered up and stagnant again!
Don't be afraid to peel the layers of clutter from around you, there is so much to see and so much more time to be had outside of and free from clutter!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Wisdom from Above
Who among you is wise and understanding?
Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart,
do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth.
This wisdom is not that which comes down from above,
but is earthly, natural, demonic.
For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist,
there is disorder and every evil thing.
But the wisdom from above is first pure,
then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy
and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.
And the seed whose fruit is righteousness
is sown in peace by those who make peace
James 3:13-18
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Taking Time
This transitional time has taken it's toll on me lately.
September 6,2013 will mark a full twelve months of displacement.
Living in a one room flat for 9 months then living in a 23 foot camper trailer from the 80's with 3 kids isn't what I would call having a home - just a place to live.
I've felt lonely without the warm feel of garden dirt under me with the sun shining down on me and watching my garden go from planted seeds to plants to harvesting the fruit of my labors to enjoy in the winter.
I've missed my rainy day crafting items as they are in storage 3 states away.
I've essentially had life on hold because I never know when we will actually make the final move out west.
Living in an "I don't know" world has been incredibly hard for this farmgirl.
I've become snippy, hurried, frustrated and essentially lonely despite having three kids and a husband plus being surrounded by other people.
I've had this great disconnect to the area I previously called my home. Stress was the main emotion.
Longing for the nightmare to end and the dream to continue, or rather just life to continue!
Then I had this knock on the door of life and God reminded me what was important.
It's not what I don't have anymore or what I don't have right know or what I want to have in the future.
It's what I have right now!


I've been missing out on so much by missing what I had and what I want to have that I couldn't enjoy the simple things.
The most meaningful things in life.
It's not about what you have, who you are or the idea/dream of what you want to be or what you want to have.
It's about what you do with what you have right now.
Psalm 68:6 says
"God makes a home for the lonely".
Psalm 68:19-20a says
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden,
The God who is our salvation. God is to us a God of deliverances.".
Those have been my passages of promise. God has everything under control, instead of being frustrated at my current state of displacement (a nice word for homeless) I can take this extra time to read extra books to listening ears, go on more walks, play more at the park and make more mudpies with my kids.
The time spent longing for things and days gone by only rob today of those precious moments and memories with those most dear to me!
Live in the present, savor the moment despite what you do or do not have because when you are called Home it's not about what you had that makes a difference it's who you were and what you did that people remember!
No more wishing, missing, rushing for this farmgirl!
Taking time to live in the Present,
September 6,2013 will mark a full twelve months of displacement.
Living in a one room flat for 9 months then living in a 23 foot camper trailer from the 80's with 3 kids isn't what I would call having a home - just a place to live.
I've missed the spring season with my tulips, lilacs, daffies, hyacinths, irises and other spring flowers.
I've felt lonely without the warm feel of garden dirt under me with the sun shining down on me and watching my garden go from planted seeds to plants to harvesting the fruit of my labors to enjoy in the winter.
I've missed my rainy day crafting items as they are in storage 3 states away.
I've essentially had life on hold because I never know when we will actually make the final move out west.
Living in an "I don't know" world has been incredibly hard for this farmgirl.
I've become snippy, hurried, frustrated and essentially lonely despite having three kids and a husband plus being surrounded by other people.
I've had this great disconnect to the area I previously called my home. Stress was the main emotion.
Longing for the nightmare to end and the dream to continue, or rather just life to continue!
Then I had this knock on the door of life and God reminded me what was important.
It's not what I don't have anymore or what I don't have right know or what I want to have in the future.
It's what I have right now!
I'm alive.
A husband.
Three healthy kids.
Hope for the future.
I've been missing out on so much by missing what I had and what I want to have that I couldn't enjoy the simple things.
The most meaningful things in life.
It's not about what you have, who you are or the idea/dream of what you want to be or what you want to have.
It's about what you do with what you have right now.
Psalm 68:6 says
"God makes a home for the lonely".
Psalm 68:19-20a says
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden,
The God who is our salvation. God is to us a God of deliverances.".
Those have been my passages of promise. God has everything under control, instead of being frustrated at my current state of displacement (a nice word for homeless) I can take this extra time to read extra books to listening ears, go on more walks, play more at the park and make more mudpies with my kids.
The time spent longing for things and days gone by only rob today of those precious moments and memories with those most dear to me!
No more wishing, missing, rushing for this farmgirl!
Taking time to live in the Present,
Monday, June 17, 2013
The Art of Expression
I have been immersing myself into some different languages trying to revive what I learned in highschool. I would love for my kids to be at least bilingual someday!
What never ceases to amaze me is that, while English can be a difficult second language to learn, it is a very dull language. If one were to look in a dictionary, though, you could find a multitude of words that are hardly used anymore and if they were to be used no one would understand you! (Reminds me of the British expression " Don't you speak the Queen's English?!".)
What REALLY gets my goat is this so called "text speak". Really? Have we gotten so lazy that we need to make English more dull and less expressive than it is becoming? Expressions (if you can call them that) such as the following:
lol, brb, rotfl, txt, omw, imho. . .
In our technological world we have been hastening the demise of expressive English by inventing a type of short hand to be able to get more out of a text message, email, online chatting, forums, and so on and so forth.
In English you are happy, sad, mad, etc.
You are not a little happy, very happy, ecstatically happy. No, we have one word commonly used and that is "happy".
You are not a little sad, so/so, extremely sad. No, we are just "sad".
Even I am having a difficult time describing the emotions without the help of an adjective! So sad!
I am recommiting myself to discovering a new word every other day. Why not every day? Well, that is so the new word has time to soak in, used properly, and the correct definition remembered.
I am even more excited to learn a new language because it will help me to express myself (in a new language albeit) accurately and concisely without heavy use of adjectives! The expression just "is".
I also am getting away from using "text speak" and other forms of shorthand in emails, chatting and forums. I would rather give someone a solid "thank you" than a "ty,ty,ty".
It is pretty interesting that it is quickly becoming an art to be able to express yourself properly in English. If more of us people did that, English would become less dull and would become fun and expressive. Maybe if we were able to express ourselves better it would encourage more friendliness, neighborliness and community. Maybe by expressing ourselves better we would get off the computer and forge real, personal relationships with those around us instead of technologically superficial ones.
Maybe, just maybe by using an expanded vocabulary we would find our life circles expanding and finding it easier to have empathy for those around us. Big or small, old or young.
I don't know about you all, but I'm going for it and working on expanding my vocabulary and seeing what happens in a few years. Maybe we can turn the tide on the dull English full of shorthanded "text speak"!!!
Only time will tell!
What REALLY gets my goat is this so called "text speak". Really? Have we gotten so lazy that we need to make English more dull and less expressive than it is becoming? Expressions (if you can call them that) such as the following:
lol, brb, rotfl, txt, omw, imho. . .
In our technological world we have been hastening the demise of expressive English by inventing a type of short hand to be able to get more out of a text message, email, online chatting, forums, and so on and so forth.
In English you are happy, sad, mad, etc.
You are not a little happy, very happy, ecstatically happy. No, we have one word commonly used and that is "happy".
You are not a little sad, so/so, extremely sad. No, we are just "sad".
Even I am having a difficult time describing the emotions without the help of an adjective! So sad!
I am recommiting myself to discovering a new word every other day. Why not every day? Well, that is so the new word has time to soak in, used properly, and the correct definition remembered.
I am even more excited to learn a new language because it will help me to express myself (in a new language albeit) accurately and concisely without heavy use of adjectives! The expression just "is".
I also am getting away from using "text speak" and other forms of shorthand in emails, chatting and forums. I would rather give someone a solid "thank you" than a "ty,ty,ty".
It is pretty interesting that it is quickly becoming an art to be able to express yourself properly in English. If more of us people did that, English would become less dull and would become fun and expressive. Maybe if we were able to express ourselves better it would encourage more friendliness, neighborliness and community. Maybe by expressing ourselves better we would get off the computer and forge real, personal relationships with those around us instead of technologically superficial ones.
Maybe, just maybe by using an expanded vocabulary we would find our life circles expanding and finding it easier to have empathy for those around us. Big or small, old or young.
I don't know about you all, but I'm going for it and working on expanding my vocabulary and seeing what happens in a few years. Maybe we can turn the tide on the dull English full of shorthanded "text speak"!!!
Only time will tell!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
I thought of the Chris Young song today "Voices" as I woke up to heavy machinery at 6:30 am coming from the neighbors across the river.
So I started thinking about all the noise we, as a modern, technologically advanced society, experience daily.
I get so burnt out listening to others opinions, the chaos of the city, watching or listening to the news and all the depressing, disgusting and sad news in the world.
Sometimes I just want to escape to the woods and disconnect from all that negativity to get revived, recharged and relaxed.
Sometimes the only noise I want to hear is peace.
Birds singing.
Creek water bubbling over rocks or fallen trees.
Wind whispering through the leaves and pine needles.
Chipmunks scattering through the leaves.
The sound of wind over wings of birds flying over head.
My children's laughter as they play and explore in the woods.
A campfire crackling.
Tune out, Turn off and Recharge.
I get so burnt out listening to others opinions, the chaos of the city, watching or listening to the news and all the depressing, disgusting and sad news in the world.
Sometimes I just want to escape to the woods and disconnect from all that negativity to get revived, recharged and relaxed.
Sometimes the only noise I want to hear is peace.
Birds singing.
Creek water bubbling over rocks or fallen trees.
Wind whispering through the leaves and pine needles.
Chipmunks scattering through the leaves.
The sound of wind over wings of birds flying over head.
My children's laughter as they play and explore in the woods.
A campfire crackling.
Tune out, Turn off and Recharge.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Time never stops, is always moving, never backs up and usually runs out on us.
I would call Time a constant, but since it seems like I never have enough and usually run OUT of Time, I really can't call Time constant. I can call Time "a sure thing" though!
So my question, or rather, thought of the day is this: What do we spend our Time on?
Time is like money in that we "spend" it or "deposit" it somewhere and also like money, some people have more Time to spend than others.
In the whole eternal scheme of things is what we are doing/saying/thinking really going to matter or is it just another waste of Time?
Matthew 6:21 says "for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also".
Is our "heart" into spending our Time with online games? Hobbies? Gaining wealth?
These things aren't bad in and of themselves (moderation) but do they consume and steal our Time?
Time we could spend helping someone else out.
Time we could spend with our kids.
Time we could spend with family.
Time we could spend teaching someone else something (hobbies, trade, the old fashioned art of conversation?!)
Time we could spend alone with God.
We never know when our Time will come, to pass from this earth and then what will we have?
What will we have done with our Time? Will God say "Well done" or will He say "Why did you waste the Time that I gave you"? (I am coming from Luke 19:12-27, The Parable of the Minas)
The Time we have has been given to us, we did nothing to earn our time here on earth.
So what will it be? Time well spent or Time ultimately wasted?
I think it's Time for all of us to look at our hearts, our lives and see where we are depositing our Time. You will know what you need to do.
Our "Time" can be up in a blink of an eye so don't wait for Time to "get around to it". Time may never let you get around, it could just come.
I would call Time a constant, but since it seems like I never have enough and usually run OUT of Time, I really can't call Time constant. I can call Time "a sure thing" though!
So my question, or rather, thought of the day is this: What do we spend our Time on?
Time is like money in that we "spend" it or "deposit" it somewhere and also like money, some people have more Time to spend than others.
In the whole eternal scheme of things is what we are doing/saying/thinking really going to matter or is it just another waste of Time?
Matthew 6:21 says "for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also".
Is our "heart" into spending our Time with online games? Hobbies? Gaining wealth?
These things aren't bad in and of themselves (moderation) but do they consume and steal our Time?
Time we could spend helping someone else out.
Time we could spend with our kids.
Time we could spend with family.
Time we could spend teaching someone else something (hobbies, trade, the old fashioned art of conversation?!)
Time we could spend alone with God.
We never know when our Time will come, to pass from this earth and then what will we have?
What will we have done with our Time? Will God say "Well done" or will He say "Why did you waste the Time that I gave you"? (I am coming from Luke 19:12-27, The Parable of the Minas)
The Time we have has been given to us, we did nothing to earn our time here on earth.
So what will it be? Time well spent or Time ultimately wasted?
I think it's Time for all of us to look at our hearts, our lives and see where we are depositing our Time. You will know what you need to do.
Our "Time" can be up in a blink of an eye so don't wait for Time to "get around to it". Time may never let you get around, it could just come.
Monday, April 22, 2013
No Shampoo?!
"What an interesting thought", I said as I read a few articles last week on this subject.
This whole time I have been barking up the wrong tree in the wrong forest in the wrong field!!!
I had been looking at:
1- Expensive but organic shampoos
2- Making my own shampoo
3- Saving money but using chemical detergent shampoos
4- Using a shampoo bar (around $5-6 a bar)
None of these choices made me very happy. I have been getting rid of the clutter in my life, freeing up my time to spend it more wisely and trying to fit in being frugal AND healthy together all in one sentence!
Now that I am figuring out how couponing works I can get what I call "conventional" for free or close to it! Now THAT is frugal!
However frugal it is NOT healthy. Not for me, my husband, my kids, my neighbors, or my ground water! (I am picky about that now considering the recent experience we had last year with ground water quality!!! Another story for another day!)
So, moving on to choice #2. Making my own shampoo. I'm all for being independent, frugal and healthy but I have not been looking forward to attempting this. All the Pinterest recipes I have found and re-pinned but never made due to the amount of ingredients, time and space issues. Plus the idea of trying to convince my husband to use "messy" homemade shampoo just does not appeal to me.
Sure choice #1 is the easiest and least time consuming but then we run into the problem if the shampoo even works, smells good and all that.
Choice #4 is nice because then it would eliminate some clutter because a bar of soap takes up less space than a bunch of bottles does.
SO, when I found out about this "No shampoo" method I was a little sceptical but decided to give it a try because it sounded and looked easy, not too cluttery,
extremely cheap and super healthy!
I've tried it for almost a week now and I. am. impressed!
All you do is mix up 1-2 Tablespoons of baking soda with about 1 cup of water in a *gasp* dollar store mustard/ketchup bottle (I am looking for a better option right now, open to ideas!) then you just wet your hair really well, squirt it onto your scalp and massage well. Target your scalp, not the length of your hair, just focus on your scalp because your length gets plenty of runoff as it is. The best tips I have found from numerous sources is to get this "wet" or "slipping" feeling when you are massaging your hair. Then you know you have the proper Baking soda to water ratio! Rinse, rinse, rinse.
Then to condition your hair you take 50/50 white vinegar and water and squirt that on the length of your hair, not your scalp this time and let it sit on your hair while you finish up in the shower, then rinse out and that is all!
Prior to trying this method out I had been using an organic, low lather shampoo so I didn't really have a period where my hair felt like straw which was nice but had I gone through that I would have still stuck it out because this is way easier than using shampoo, incredibly cheaper, works in hard water, safe and I'm loving it!
If you want to know more on how you can do more deep conditioners then go ahead and do a search on the "no shampoo method", maybe it's already on Pinterest too!
I just had to share this extremely cheap AND healthy way of taking care of your hair. I used to spend a lot more money than I would like to admit keeping my hair nice and healthy. Not any more! Now I can put my money to better use to help other people and still have healthy, healthy, healthy hair!
Now my next mission is to find something simple, frugally healthy and time wise for facial care!!!
HAPPY SPRING! (I think, it is rain/snowing here...)
This whole time I have been barking up the wrong tree in the wrong forest in the wrong field!!!
I had been looking at:
1- Expensive but organic shampoos
2- Making my own shampoo
3- Saving money but using chemical detergent shampoos
4- Using a shampoo bar (around $5-6 a bar)
None of these choices made me very happy. I have been getting rid of the clutter in my life, freeing up my time to spend it more wisely and trying to fit in being frugal AND healthy together all in one sentence!
Now that I am figuring out how couponing works I can get what I call "conventional" for free or close to it! Now THAT is frugal!
However frugal it is NOT healthy. Not for me, my husband, my kids, my neighbors, or my ground water! (I am picky about that now considering the recent experience we had last year with ground water quality!!! Another story for another day!)
So, moving on to choice #2. Making my own shampoo. I'm all for being independent, frugal and healthy but I have not been looking forward to attempting this. All the Pinterest recipes I have found and re-pinned but never made due to the amount of ingredients, time and space issues. Plus the idea of trying to convince my husband to use "messy" homemade shampoo just does not appeal to me.
Sure choice #1 is the easiest and least time consuming but then we run into the problem if the shampoo even works, smells good and all that.
Choice #4 is nice because then it would eliminate some clutter because a bar of soap takes up less space than a bunch of bottles does.
SO, when I found out about this "No shampoo" method I was a little sceptical but decided to give it a try because it sounded and looked easy, not too cluttery,
extremely cheap and super healthy!
I've tried it for almost a week now and I. am. impressed!
All you do is mix up 1-2 Tablespoons of baking soda with about 1 cup of water in a *gasp* dollar store mustard/ketchup bottle (I am looking for a better option right now, open to ideas!) then you just wet your hair really well, squirt it onto your scalp and massage well. Target your scalp, not the length of your hair, just focus on your scalp because your length gets plenty of runoff as it is. The best tips I have found from numerous sources is to get this "wet" or "slipping" feeling when you are massaging your hair. Then you know you have the proper Baking soda to water ratio! Rinse, rinse, rinse.
Then to condition your hair you take 50/50 white vinegar and water and squirt that on the length of your hair, not your scalp this time and let it sit on your hair while you finish up in the shower, then rinse out and that is all!
Prior to trying this method out I had been using an organic, low lather shampoo so I didn't really have a period where my hair felt like straw which was nice but had I gone through that I would have still stuck it out because this is way easier than using shampoo, incredibly cheaper, works in hard water, safe and I'm loving it!
If you want to know more on how you can do more deep conditioners then go ahead and do a search on the "no shampoo method", maybe it's already on Pinterest too!
I just had to share this extremely cheap AND healthy way of taking care of your hair. I used to spend a lot more money than I would like to admit keeping my hair nice and healthy. Not any more! Now I can put my money to better use to help other people and still have healthy, healthy, healthy hair!
Now my next mission is to find something simple, frugally healthy and time wise for facial care!!!
HAPPY SPRING! (I think, it is rain/snowing here...)
Monday, April 8, 2013
Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let's catch up!
As it gently rains this cold, rainy Monday, I thought it would be the perfect time to grab a hot cup of tea and do some catching up!
Now we are into the month of April and we still have plenty of snow, ice and sitting water strewn about. Quite the opposite from last year! We are completing the camper for us to use out west! I did have quite the upset with the paint in the bathroom. . . I accidentally gave the lady mixing the paint the wrong paint sample. Classic mistake, yes, but I am going to make do and work with the paint. Sure, paint is 'cheap' enough to re-do unless, of course, you happen to be on a budget! I will have to show before, during and after pictures once we are all done! I prefer to show before/ after side by side instead of in installments on blogs. So, stay tuned for that post to show up sometime this month!
In other news I got my seeds in and I am just waiting for my ramp bulbs to come in the mail yet! I am going to have most of my tender plants in pots so I can put them all together in case of drastic temperature changes. Plus I am going to experiment with decorating with plants and flowers together so I have settings that are functional and showy. I am so excited and am looking forward to beginning that project!
I am hoping the health problems I have been dealing with are behind me now. I only pray they are anyways! I did have to make some diet changes such as no dairy except butter. Thankfully my skin is clearing up and it seems that butter does not have the same effect on me as regular milk, yogurt, and cheese does. I am doing the best I can to avoid plastics, parabens, PEG's, and other icky things like that. I can only wonder if my body is affected by those things how much more are my kids bodies affected by them? And my kids are still growing? Such a scary thought!
That brings me down to another point of Simplify, Simplify, Simplify -HDT. . .
I want to simplify my family's life. Less truly means more. More family time, more quality time, more time to help others in need, more time to listen to family, friends and most importantly God. Technology is helpful but in a way it has taken away the true aspect of community. People interacting with other people. Just a thought to keep in mind.
Time to go pull out my sweet potatoes and finish prepping dinner!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Light in the Tunnel
Hope and faith prevails!
God has provided for us again!
We bought a camper and will be picking it up tomorrow(Saturday) which means our time here is just about over and we can move on to start our ministry out west!!!
Looking ahead this will be a busy, yet super fun time of packing our things, personalizing our camper, packing the camper and making the final move out west to begin our new adventure of serving God in Camp Ministry.
We are still praying for the rest of our financial support to come in so if God brings us to your mind, please be in prayer with us about that, also pray for good health and safety as we prepare to and make the move.
Yes, God is bringing us out of our desert tunnel and we can see the light.
Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow...
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Good fences make good neighbors
We all have heard that one, I am sure!
But really,
what makes a good neighbor?
Is it REALLY fences?
Is it luck?
Is it family?
Is it "nice" people vs. "mean" people?
Or could it be common courtesy?
The golden rule?
I think in every relationship there should be boundaries, although more relational than physical. There is good in all people no matter how "mean" they may seem at first. I think luck is what you make of it and family has it's perks!
But when we get down to it, people need to have a common courtesy for each other, a mutual respect of and for the other individual. We are all going through different things in life, not one man/woman is better than another; we are all human! Walk a mile in another mans shoes and you will have an entirely different view of them.
Give them the benefit of the doubt. If a problem arises go to them in a non-confrontational way and let them know your concerns. No need to be hasty and accusing. Give them the respect as another human being and talk with them as an equal, not "down to" or "at".
Most importantly treat them how you would want to be treated and act accordingly.
Sometimes things do get drastic but patience, respect, and common courtesy with calmness and a smile can usually fix most neighborly issues. That and a freshly baked pie or plate of cookies!
Expanding to more than just neighbors we should treat all people with the same respect that we would want to be treated, no matter the age, race, style or any other stereotype we could put in there.
Respect, calmness and kindness speak a language that attitude, accusing and grumpiness could never speak.
Play nice! ~KT~
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Looking ahead
Today, I enjoyed my cup of coffee as I looked out on the wintery wonderland snowscape outside. . .
Off I went, in a daydream reminiscing about snow days as a kid. Wondering what winter will be like "out west" this coming winter as we are moving this spring. Day dreaming about taking the kids fishing from a fresh and clear mountain stream.
I could practically hear the sound of the water as it rolled over the rocks and tickled the bank. . .
Day dreaming of the sound of the trees swaying. Squirrels and chippies protesting the presence of people in their otherwise solitary living space. Hearing the birds chirping, maybe there is a nest of baby birds up in the tree waiting for their mother to return with some grubs for their meal too. I could almost see it, hear it, smell it, taste it...
Then, I hear it. "Mom, Mommy, MAMA!!! Can I have some more milk please?!". Then I get brought back to reality of breakfast time.
What a wonderful glimpse of looking ahead!
I am so excited to share the outdoors with my kids now that they are getting old enough to really know what is going on! For the old saying is quite true: A happy kid is a dirty kid!!!
There are great things to come, great memories to be made, and lots of precious family time as I am looking ahead to the rest of this year!!!!
And now I will go and spend some precious time with the kids now, because time waits for no one and the kids are growing up quickly!
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