I am glad I decided to use a back to basics approach to learning to sew the proper way. I've been doing little projects here and there but wow! I didn't realize I really didn't know how to sew.... at all!! Using a sewing machine, yes. Sewing, no. In my limited time I was able to make one napkin. Not too bad either! I am seriously lacking in some tools but all considering I feel like I accomplished something. All the while doing my laundry with 2 teething kids! The more I can practice the better and quicker I will get.
Today so far I haven't had time to sew another napkin. (Seriously, what good is one napkin?!) But once I put my kids in bed for the night I am planning to have a date with my sewing machine while my husband is working in the garage. Way better than watching tv to unwind!
I have dinner in the oven, kids are actually occupied for the moment and I am going to sign off and play with my kids while we wait for dinner. I will post how my second napkin turns out! If that turns out well then its on to my next project: tote/ diaper bag!
Your last two postings made me happy. While I read them I felt pulled into another happy, peaceful world. God Bless you and your family. I am very proud of you.