Monday, June 27, 2011

Breakfast on the Farm!

We had a great time at Breakfast on the Farm yesterday morning! We had planned on going to church afterward but we didn't realize what a big deal it is so by the time we made it at the front of the line to pay to eat it was already time for church! I was surprised to find out what a big deal it was because this was the first time both my husband and I had ever gone to one! The kids had a blast too! The food was great, we got to tour some of the barns, the kids LOVED seeing the cows and "baby cows", they had a little petting zoo, face painting a kids activity center and balloons. We also got to see an observation bee hive. That was so neat! Bees are really neat creatures!

It was nice being able to be by cows again. They are by far my favorite animals and my dream has been and still is to own a dairy farm some day. I loved farming (especially the dairy part!) and I have missed all the smells that went with it. It was so relaxing and peaceful smelling all those comfort smells.

One of the reasons I love the midwest/great lakes area so much is the dairy farming and the water.

We should hopefully find out what the baby's gender is tomorrow! I am so very excited to find out! I am kind of hoping it is a girl because I have the cutest baby floor quilt planned out. If it is a boy that is fine too, I will just have to make the girls quilt and hope I have another girl someday! I already made Evelyn a quilt, I still have to make Ruger one. I guess if the baby does turn out to be a buy I can make two boy quilts at once. I'd like to make a small quilt for each kid. Evelyn's I made big enough so she could crawl around on the floor but also use it for a throw when she gets older. Same idea applies to Ruger's and the new baby's.

I watered half my garden yesterday afternoon before bible study. I need to get my potatoes hilled up before the thunderstorms come this afternoon so I am hoping to get outside with the kids shortly here so I can get that finished. I was hoping to do more weeding today but as long as I do some it will help in the long run! I don't want to get overrun with weeds. I am slowly catching up with weeding though, slowly but surely!

Well today it just looks like garden work and laundry today! I will call about the strawberries later this morning to find out when I can go picking! I am thinking I will do that on wednesday, as long as the rain holds off just long enough for me to get enough for jam and a few bags for freezing for eating this winter! Then it can rain all it wants! Or I will have to go some other day! Wednesday would be the best though since tomorrow is the ultrasound day!

Well, off to continue on this day's journey!

Seize the day!

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