Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fabulous June Tuesday

This morning has been fabulous so far. It always helps to have a good morning but not necessary to having a good day!

I woke up 45 minutes early and decided to get up and get outside early this morning. So I fired up the coffee maker, got some comfy outdoor clothes on and headed outside. I walked around the yard, praying then I had my morning devotions. While I was reading my devotions this morning our puppy fell asleep with her head on my left foot and our cat fell asleep with his head on my right foot! It was so cute, I wish I had my camera with me this morning! The sun coming through the big tree in the backyard was absolutely gorgeous!

Sun sparkling in the morning dew, shadows dancing from the morning sun, the fog leaving from the coolness of the night, the morning birds singing the glories of the coming day. Silence. All that nature's business is like an orchestra to my senses. But it is still. silence. peaceful.

I realized I am so blessed this morning. All that I have I had been taking for granted. I just praised the Lord for all He has done. Then I realized I had forgotten to continue writing in my gratitude journal. No wonder I had been slowly getting on the path of negativity. I am so thankful for this morning to get back on the right track!

We got a new puppy this week, half black and tan hound and half chocolate lab. She is all black with a few random white hairs and a really neat coat. It's not quite lab and not quite hound! She already howls like a hound, it is so cute. She is great with the kids too, although at times either the kids or the puppy can get a little rough! Have to keep a constant close eye on them! We decided to name her Dolly. For Dolly Parton. The name fits her, she is such a cute puppy, very vocal, very country.

We also were able to find homes for 10 of our chickens. It feels wonderful downsizing. I still would like to find homes for 13-15 more of our chickens so then we just have the new pullet chicks. We decided we are not going to raise any more meat birds until our kids are old enough to help. It has been way to much for me feeding 40 chickens, 3 ducks, a horse, two goats, a cat, my kids, a husband and myself. Not to mention with a baby on the way and our huge garden. . . Plus with just moving here and the yard needs to get organized, as well as the rest of the house (I am almost done organizing the house! Only two rooms left! Then I can decorate it!)

I was just over my head. Once the house is organized, the yard is organized I will feel much more comfortable expanding our animals. For now the horse and goat are on 100% pasture so they need minimal maintenance and a nice rub down once in a while :) I will be happy when we are down to under 10 hens and one rooster, a dog, a cat, a horse and goat.

We were able to sell one of the goats which was really nice and I hope to see her shown at the county fair! I hope they win the best ribbon with her! I am so excited, I can go see their fair next month! I wish them best of luck!

I will have to post some pictures of my current projects. I have the garden planted but my peas and one of my rows of squash are not doing well. I will have to replant quite soon here in order to still get a crop, albeit a late one. I love fresh garden peas,I will settle for a late planting! (re planting!)

Now I just have to finish getting my homemade trellis' up, my row markers up and my cowgirl scarecrow! More like scaredeer here! They keep nibbling on the apple tree in the backyard near the garden so I know they are eyeing up my corn plants!

This week is our son's first birthday! We are having an army themed party for him! I will post pictures of his cake! It will be so much fun making it! I already have planned out our daughters cake for July. I am so excited! Blessed with a year being a parent to our son and almost another year being a parent to our daughter! I love being a mommy!

Well I have to sign off for now. I am going to take these kids on a walk and then put them for an early short nap. Now that our days are longer one nap just doesn't cut it! I am trying two short naps today. Have to fit in our exercising though!!!

Having a great day in God's country,

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