Yes, it is here!
Gardening season!!!
The rest of this week and coming weekend I'm going to get my garden worked up, compost added, another compost pile started and some plants planted!
I will start with potatoes. I'm going to plant potatoes in barrels this year. It looks so easy and a lot more space friendly which I am all about as I have a small garden. I decided to go with 4 barrels, one in each corner of my garden. I will try some different varieties to find out which one my family likes the best and which one stores the best for me.
I have a bunch of strawberry plants I am waiting to plant and I am going to be "natural-scaping" with them. I'm thinking along the woods line would be perfect as they will have room to grow back in the woods.
Last year I tried growing garlic for the first time and I didn't think I was successful. . . but there it is! One of the first beautiful green things growing in my garden! Along with a lone kale plant I tried growing last year as well!!! How exciting!!! I am going to plant more garlic all around the house to help keep rodents away once I re-mulch the landscaping. I'm also going to intermingle some herbs around the house so it will be beautiful, useful and multipurpose all at once!
I also am going to plant a bleeding heart plant but I am not sure where I want to put it yet. I have a few places in mind but the perfect one just didn't pop out at me yet.
I have some blueberries that I want to plant too and I have just the perfect place for them. I like to landscape as natural as possible so the yard will look nice but wild and natural at the same time.
I already planted some day lilies, lily of the valley's and gladiolas and last year I planted tulips and lupine. The tulips came up beautifully but I haven't seen any of the lupine as of yet.
I'm also going to get the garden dirt prepared to plant in a few weeks year and I'm adding tons of beautiful compost. I am going to start two more compost piles so I have plenty to use next year as well.
The weather forecast is a few inches of random mid-spring snow but it's just white fertilizer! It won't hurt anything I have already planted and plan to plant this weekend.
I just love the busy planting season and I am so excited to see the beauty of my labor at the end of the year!
Now off to get busy because I have to fit in my run yet today!