Thursday, April 5, 2012

Today I chose: Joy!

Happiness is a fleeting feeling but Joy is something that can be held on to so today I choose Joy!

Amid life's chaotic moments it's so important to hold on to Joy for without it life would get pretty dull. Despite life's hard times I know that God is always good which helps Joy thrive, looking at all the blessings both big and small help Joy to grow even more.

Despite anything life gives you, you and you alone have the personal choice to be a grouch or to be joyful.

Here are some things that help me to choose Joy over discouragement today:

~My salvation
~My husband
~My kids, each one of them!
~The sunshine
~Spring time!
~The hope that spring time brings
~Budding trees
~Spring time flowers
~A freshly laid chicken egg
~ Freshly brewed coffee and tea
~A roof over my head
~The ability to garden
~Watching said garden go from "plain" dirt to a feast waiting to be picked and preserved and best of all enJOYed!
~Watching my kids grow up
~I could go on and on and on.

If you find just one good thing in your life, you can think of another and pretty soon your life seems amazing instead of bland!

One step at a time, so go ahead and choose Joy!


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