After getting married I tried to figure out my taste and preferences and what style I enjoy in order to decorate my home. I have been lost. Totally lost.
Part of the problem is I have many interests so therefore I just didn't know how to decorate to make both myself and my husband happy.
Sure, I took out magazine clippings of pictures I liked, themes I liked for ages now, nothing and I mean nothing, seemed to make sense. I couldn't find my "theme", my "style". Not to mention my clippings were cluttering things up and frustrating me.
In a purging frustration of wanting to eliminate clutter and frustration of not being able to pin point my style I threw them out in the recycle bin.
I did collect a few more pages but now I have a saving grace for my design study.
Enter Pinterest.
Thanks to this fabulous online pin board I could like pictures, design ideas and things FINALLY started clicking with me. Now I can look at a photo I like and see the color palette. Score!
Now I know how to start re-decorating my home so things will have the proper "feng shui" for my preferences so I can organize and blend my home so its a peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable place to be instead of disorganized and no themes as of present.
FINALLY! I'm very excited to get out and start thrifting and rummaging this spring so I can bring my style and my dream for my home to life. Including the type of furniture I'd like to have.
I'm so glad things are starting to come together into these "aha" moments where its like a light turned on and "now I get it". Hey, you gotta be smarter than the stuff!
Happily planning home decorating strategy,
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